The Rise and Fall of Private Companies in Indonesia’s Fuel Business
PT Pertamina (Persero) may be the first name that comes to mind when Indonesians think of gas stations. However, did you know that several private companies have also tried their luck in the country’s fuel business? Unfortunately, not all of their stories have a happy ending. Some had to give up halfway, defeated by the tough competition.
Failed Ventures
According to records, one of the companies that had to surrender was PT Petronas Niaga Indonesia, a subsidiary of Petronas Malaysia. They left Indonesia in 2012 because the sales of fuel at their gas stations were declining, making it impossible to cover their operating costs. Similarly, Total gas stations also decided to withdraw from Indonesia at the end of 2020, following their parent company Total’s global strategy adjustment. PT Total Oil Indonesia, after 17 years in Indonesia with downstream oil and automotive lubricants business, also closed its operations in the country.
Challenges in the Industry
In the upstream oil and gas sector, PT Total Oil Indonesia had been operating in the country since 1968 through Total E&P Indonesie, managing one of Indonesia’s largest gas blocks, Mahakam Block. However, the management of the Mahakam Block was transferred to PT Pertamina (Persero) on January 1, 2018. Recently, there have been rumors about Shell Indonesia’s plan to close its gas stations. The dominance of Pertamina in the market, especially for subsidized fuel, makes it challenging for competitors to thrive in the industry.
Expert Opinions
Moshe Rizal from the National Oil and Gas Company Investment Committee believes that Pertamina’s government ownership gives it an advantage in the market. Saleh Abdurrahman from the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) sees Shell Indonesia’s potential exit as a purely business decision.
Shell Indonesia’s Response
Shell Indonesia’s Vice President Corporate Relations, Susi Hutapea, denied the rumors of closing all gas stations in Indonesia. She emphasized that the information was incorrect and refrained from commenting on speculations.
While the competition in Indonesia’s fuel business remains fierce, each company makes strategic decisions based on their business considerations. The government ensures a level playing field for all players in the industry.
Shell Indonesia’s commitment
Despite the rumors, Shell Indonesia remains focused on serving its customers through its gas station operations.
Kebangkitan dan Kejatuhan Perusahaan Swasta dalam Bisnis Bahan Bakar di Indonesia
PT Pertamina (Persero) mungkin menjadi nama pertama yang terlintas dalam pikiran masyarakat Indonesia saat berbicara tentang pom bensin. Namun, tahukah Anda bahwa beberapa perusahaan swasta juga pernah mencoba peruntungan dalam bisnis bahan bakar di negara ini? Sayangnya, tidak semua cerita mereka memiliki akhir yang bahagia. Beberapa di antaranya harus menyerah di tengah jalan, dikalahkan oleh persaingan yang ketat.
Ventura Gagal
Menurut catatan, salah satu perusahaan yang harus menyerah adalah PT Petronas Niaga Indonesia, anak perusahaan Petronas Malaysia. Mereka meninggalkan Indonesia pada tahun 2012 karena penjualan bahan bakar di pom bensin mereka menurun, sehingga tidak mampu menutupi biaya operasional mereka. Demikian pula, pom bensin Total juga memutuskan untuk menarik diri dari Indonesia pada akhir 2020, mengikuti penyesuaian strategi global induk perusahaan mereka, Total. PT Total Oil Indonesia, setelah 17 tahun di Indonesia dengan bisnis hilir minyak dan pelumas otomotif, juga menutup operasionalnya di negara ini.
Tantangan dalam Industri
Di sektor hulu minyak dan gas, PT Total Oil Indonesia telah beroperasi di negara ini sejak tahun 1968 melalui Total E&P Indonesie, mengelola salah satu blok gas terbesar di Indonesia, Blok Mahakam. Namun, pengelolaan Blok Mahakam dialihkan ke PT Pertamina (Persero) pada 1 Januari 2018. Baru-baru ini, terdapat rumor tentang rencana Shell Indonesia untuk menutup seluruh pom bensinnya. Dominasi Pertamina di pasar, terutama untuk bahan bakar bersubsidi, membuat sulit bagi pesaing untuk berkembang dalam industri ini.
Pendapat Para Ahli
Moshe Rizal dari Komite Investasi Perusahaan Minyak dan Gas Nasional meyakini bahwa kepemilikan pemerintah Pertamina memberinya keunggulan di pasar. Saleh Abdurrahman dari Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) melihat potensi keluarnya Shell Indonesia sebagai keputusan bisnis semata.
Tanggapan Shell Indonesia
Vice President Corporate Relations Shell Indonesia, Susi Hutapea, membantah rumor tentang penutupan seluruh pom bensin di Indonesia. Dia menekankan bahwa informasi tersebut salah dan enggan berkomentar tentang spekulasi.
Meskipun persaingan dalam bisnis bahan bakar di Indonesia tetap sengit, setiap perusahaan membuat keputusan strategis berdasarkan pertimbangan bisnis mereka. Pemerintah memastikan kesetaraan peluang bagi semua pemain di industri ini.
Komitmen Shell Indonesia
Meskipun rumor, Shell Indonesia tetap fokus melayani pelanggannya melalui operasional pom bensin.